About Me

Hello, I’m Yujin Chae and my designer name is Cheddie. I was double majoring in industrial design and design engieneering at Hongik University in Korea. I’m passionate about creating innovative design solutions by merging design and technology through an agile process. Interested in healthcare & wellness product and design engineering, I engage in industrial design design and R&D projects driven by a commitment to human-centered innovation.

Name 채유진 / Cheddie

Birth June 11, 2000


  • Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Deisgn (College of Art&Design) from Hongik University, Seoul (2025)

  • Bachelor's Degree in Design Engineering from Hongik University, Seoul (2024)

  • Micro Degree in AI-Based Design Engineering from Hongik University, Seoul (2024)

  • Design Engineering

    Industrial design (Product design)

    Graphic design (2D Graphic, Motion Graphic)

  • Consumer electric product

    Healthcare&wellness product

  • Proficient in developing feasible design concept and strategy

    Proficient in 3D modeling and rendering

    Digital fabrication (Prototyping and Model Making)

    Strong leadership skills

    Project management skills

    Global competency

    Visualization and Sketching

    Business&marketing skills

    Communication and Presentation Skills

  • - Korean (Native)

    - English (Business)

    - Chinese (Beginner)

  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Illustrator

    Adobe Premiere Pro

    Adobe After Effects

    Adobe InDesign

    Adobe XD

    Rhino 3D

    Fusion 360

    Cinema 4D



    AI Generators inlcuding Midjourney, Runway, etc.

  • C



    CAE by Ansys Discovery Live

    UI based AI model developing

    Completed the required engineering course including Physics, Mathematics, Manufacturing Processes, Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, C Programming, Object-oriented Programming, Data Structures

  • TOEIC SPEAKING Intermediate High(IH) Level 6 (May 2024)

    GTQ(Graphic Technology Qualification) Photoshop Certificate - Top Level (May 2012)

    KT AICE Artificial Intelligence Certificate (March 2023)

    Participated in 2023 IDEEA Project Competition “Automated Transshipments of Goods” in cooperation with Volkswagen AG
    by IDEEA (International Design and Engineering Education Association) (September 2023)

    Participated in Convergence Design Workshop considering Additive Manufacturing from The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (November 2023)

    Completed New Technology Convergence Designer Training Course from Hongik University (February 2024)

    Participated in Design Engineering Workshop - GEN-AI Hackathon (October 2023)

  • Hyundai Motor Group, Future Mobility Design Team

    Future Pet Mobility Design, Industry-academic cooperation (March 2022 - June 2022)

    Self-driving Childcare Mobility Design, Industry-academic cooperation (June 2022)

    Design of the Food Service Industry System Using PBV, Industry-academic cooperation (August 2022)

    Standard Docking Station Design for Delivery Drones, Industry-academic cooperation (August 2022)

    Inclusive PBV Door Step Design, Industry-academic cooperation (September 2022 - December 2022)

    A Carrier-type Portable Wheelchair Design, Industry-academic cooperation (September 2022 - December 2022)

    Samsung Electronics, VD Design Team

    Analysis of consumer usage behavior related to Screen/Audio, Industry-academic cooperation (March 2024)

    LG Electronics, H&A Team

    LG Tromm Washing Machine Touch Screen Usability Development Project, Industry-academic cooperation (September 2022 - December 2022)

    Participated in development of the LG H&A 4.3" Touch Screen UI Guidelines (December 2022)

    Volkswagen AG

    Snow-ready Wheel System Design in 2023 IDEEA Project Competition “Automated Transshipments of Goods”, in cooperation by IDEEA (International Design and Engineering Education Association) (September 2023)


    2021 Seoul Mobility Show Media Art Design, Outsourcing (October 2021 - December 2021)

    Macromill Embrain

    Genesis GV60 User Expeirence Research Project, Outsourcing (December 2022 - January 2023)

    SIGONG Tech

    Internship, CX Design Team (July 2024)

  • Utility patent (기술특허)

    - 발명의 명칭: 수액 주입 장치 (An Infusion Solution Injector)

    - 출원번호: 10-2023-0108780

    - 출원일자: 2023.08.21

    Design patent (디자인특허)

    - 물품분류: 제 24류 의료용 수액기구 (부분디자인/단독디자인)

    - 출원번호: 30-2023-0035531

    - 출원일자: 2023.09.08

    - 등록번호: 3012590860000

    - 등록일자: 2024.04.25

    Design patent (디자인특허)

    - 물품분류: 제 24류 의료용 수액기구 (부분디자인/단독디자인)

    - 출원번호: 30-2023-0035532

    - 출원일자: 2023.09.08

    - 등록번호: 3012590870000

    - 등록일자: 2024.04.25

    Design patent (디자인특허)

    - 물품분류: 제 24류 의료용 수액기구 (부분디자인/단독디자인)

    - 출원번호: 30-2023-0035533

    - 출원일자: 2023.09.08

    - 등록번호: 3012590880000

    - 등록일자: 2024.04.25

    Design patent (디자인특허)

    - 물품분류: 제24류 (태아 모니터링기, 단독디자인)

    - 출원번호: 30-2025-0005586

    - 출원일자: 2025.02.14

    Design patent (디자인특허)

    - 물품분류: 제24류 (태아 모니터링기, 단독디자인)

    - 출원번호: 30-2025-0005587

    - 출원일자: 2025.02.14

    Trademark Rights (상표권)

    - 상품류: 제 10류 (웨어러블 의료기기, 웨어러블 의료장치, 의료용 웨어러블 디바이스, 의료기구,의료 진단용 전하결합소자(CCD) 센서 장치, 진단용 의료기기, 태아 모니터링 장치)

    - 상표유형: 일반상표

    - 출원번호: 40-2025-0023630

    - 출원일자: 2025.02.14
