
  • Development of A Wheel Design of Snow-ready Transshipment Mobility

    IDEEA 2023 (Interational Design and Engieering Education Association)

    The KLAUS is a freight truck that travels between micro fulfillment centers in snowy urban areas. It moves on wheels on normal ground, but when it detects snow, it automatically converts the wheels into a trackbelts shape. This feature allows mobility to move smoothly even during snow, helping to deliver cargo on time without delay. KLAUS is designed to operate under normal weather conditions as well, and is always ready to switch to winter mode. Therefore, it can be used not only in winter but also in other seasons without problems.

  • Development of Bicycle Helmet with Storage Function considering Additive Manufacturing

    KSME 2023 (The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers)

    A dditive Manufacturing (AM) provides high degree of design freedom. This enables designers to fabricate complex geometries and enhance performance that cannot be achievable by conventional manufacturing. However, the high degree of design freedom from AM makes designers challenging to fully add design benefits from AM, because designers are not familiar with AM, which is new technology. In this study, we propose a bicycle helmet design process by considering AM capabilities. The objective of the helmet design is to redesign conventional bicycle helmet and then add new design benefits like lightweight and storage function, while keeping safety requirements of the conventional helmet. First, we analyze customer needs. Then, the customer needs are translated to engineering requirements. Lattice structure is utilized to achieve lightweight and safe helmet. Foldable structure of the helmet is proposed to make volume of helmet reduced and make the helmet as a storage of bicycle related items.

  • Design of a Non-powered Medicine Injector Utilizing Air Pressure and Elasticity to inject Fluids in Disaster Situations

    IEA 2024 (International Ergonomics Association), Healthcare Ergonomics track

    In disasters and emergency situations, it is necessary to immediately prescribe fluids such as 0.9% normal saline and glucose, as soon as a patient is rescued. However, the current gravity-based fluid infusion method requires a certain height, which reduces rescue efficiency and causes secondary medical accidents that injure rescuers or patients. In this study, we designed a non-powered medicine injector that uses elastic force and negative air pressure, rather than gravity, to address these issues, taking into account the challenges of using electricity in disaster situations. To design a non-powered medicine injector, we analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of existing products. Then we conducted in-depth interviews with four experts working in the field of emergency medicine to identify the problem, and based on this, we first designed a prototype of the product. To verify the feasibility of the prototype design, we conducted a few experiments comparing existing methods. And finally we proposed a final design of non-powered medicine injector.